Asset Manager Module

Asset Manager Module

Asset Manager Module

The Asset Manager Module provides the capability to track the location of your assets.  In addition, you can print Asset Tags and enter Warranty and Service History information on your assets.  There are 6 control files that are unique to the Asset Manager Module. 

The Asset Manager Module can be run stand alone or it can be integrated with the Requisition, Purchasing, Receiving, and Inventory modules.  If you have records setup on the Material file for your assets, you can flag them for Asset Tracking on the Material record.  As an alternative, you can flag an item for Asset Tracking on the PO line record. 

When the PO Line is received the system will ask if you want it to add skeleton records on the Asset Master file for each item received.  After the receipt has been entered you can then go to the Asset Manager, Asset Entry option.  Bring up the new asset records and modify them, entering the information in the fields that are unique to the Asset Manager module.  
Note: the ePMX system must be setup to automatically assign asset numbers before it can add the asset master records when the PO is received.  To do this go to the Master Files, Corporation option.  Bring up your corproation record and check the box labeled 'Assign Asset Number' and enter the 'Last Asset # Assigned'.

If the item is flagged as a Stock Item, when it is received the quantity on-hand on the Inventory Master record will be incremented by the quantity received.  However, you cannot enter Inventory Issue transactions for these items.  They must be assigned to a person, department, etc. in the Asset Manager entry screen.