Creating Vendor Bids Online

ePMX provides a separate login for vendors to enter bid information online. Soon after logging into the Vendor Login, all the Requests For Quotation lines marked for the logged in vendor will be listed on the screen. Vendors can select the desired RFQ and create bids.


To access the Vendor Login screen follow the steps listed below:

1. From the ePMX login screen, click the Vendor Login option located at the top of the screen.
2. Enter the Vendor Login and Password.
3. Click the Log In button.

Contact the administrator for Online Vendor Bids. This information has been set up by the company that has requested your quotation.


If you have forgotten your Vendor login password, click the Forgot your Password? option in the ePMX Vendor Login screen. ePMX will direct you to the Forgot Password screen. In the Forgot Password screen, enter your Vendor Login and click OK. A new password will be sent to your email address.

Figure :Forgot Password

To enter vendor bids follow the steps listed below:

1. In the Vendor Quotation screen, select the desired RFQ and click the Bid or Rebid button to display the Add or Edit Vendor Bid screen.
2. Enter the appropriate fields in the Add or Edit Vendor Bid screen for the bid. The following fields are described in the sequence as they appear on the Add or Edit Vendor Bid screen.
3. Use the Comments/Notes screen to enter free-form text related to this Vendor bid.
4. The Bid Attachment feature allows you to attach selected files to this Vendor bid.

To add Attachments to the Bid follow the steps listed below:

5. If desired, use the RFQ Review and RFQ Instructions tabs to view the RFQ document and any special instructions entered for this RFQ.
6. When all of the bid information is entered, click Save to record the vendor's bid.

You can change your ePMX Vendor login password any time by using the Change Password option.

To change your password follow the steps listed below:

1. First login to the ePMX Vendor Online Bids system.
2. Select the Change Password Option from the top of the screen.
3. Enter the Old Password correctly.
4. Enter a New Password. You may enter up to 32 characters. Confirm the password by entering the new password in the Confirm Password field. Password strength will be indicated as you enter the new password.
5. Click Save to accept the new password.