Manage Announcements

Use this option to manage announcements that can be setup to display on the screen either before or after the user logs into ePMX. 

To add a new Announcement follow the steps listed below:

1. Choose Master Files from the ePMX menu.
2. Choose Manage Announcements from the Master Files menu.
3. Enter a Title to identify the announcement. 
4. Enter the announcement contents.
5. Check the box labeled 'Show Before Login' If  you want the user to see the announcement before he logs into ePMX.
6. Check the box labeled 'Show After Login' if you want the user to see the announcement after he logs into ePMX.
Note: The 'Show Before Login' and the 'Show After Login' boxes are not mutually exclusive.  You can have both boxes checked.  If neither are checked the user will not see the announcement.
7. Click Add Announcement to save the new announcement record.

Figure: Add Announcement Screen

All existing announcements will list at the bottom of the screen. 

To modify an existing announcement click on the Modify icon.  The top of the screen will be populated with the information on that announcement.  Make the necessary modifications and then click on Edit Announcement to save the changes. 

To delete an existing announcement click on the Delete icon.  You will be prompted with a message to verify that you want to delete the announcement.  Click on the OK button and the announcement will be deleted.

When you are done with an announcement you can delete it OR modify it and uncheck the 'Show Before Login' and 'Show After Login' boxes to essentially hide it.  Since ALL announcements will display on the Manage Announcements screen we recommend deleting announcements that are no longer needed to keep the Manage Announcement page clean and easier to navigate.